How Do We Spend Your Money?

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We work hard to help provide access to clean drinking water to families and communities at risk here in central Mexico where water scarcity and contamination has become a major crisis. Our ability to do this work is completely dependent upon being able to raise money from people just like you as well as from foundations and other institutions. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn be able to exist – it’s really that simple.  So all of us at Caminos de Agua are taking this opportunity to Thank You for coming through for us, especially recently. During the period since the Coronavirus hit, when times have been so uncertain, it might have been easy to turn the other way, but you didn’t. You came through for us when we needed you the most, and we want you to know how much it means to us as well as what we did, at least in part, with your donation. 

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Your help has created critical action in rural communities during the virus 

We’re sure you are aware of how important practicing extreme personal hygiene has been during the virus. The World Health Organization states that washing your hands multiple times a day, using hand sanitizer when you're away from home, avoiding touching your face, and disinfecting things that you bring into your home are critical steps that can lower rates of infection by upwards of 50%. But, what do you do when you only receive water once a week ? How do you achieve these crucial actions when your family barely has enough water for drinking, cooking, and washing? Can you imagine having to make that choice? Or what if you live remotely  and reliable information about what to do isn’t making its way to you? 

For these reasons, Caminos de Agua moved very quickly to create a campaign directed not only at the more than 600,000 people who rely upon the Alta Rio Laja Aquifer in our region for their water, but also the millions of more Mexicans throughout the country who live with extreme water scarcity conditions. The campaign is made up of four virtual workshops with videos that clearly and simply show people how to:

  1. Build a simple solution allowing you to wash hands utilizing hardly any water – allowing 30 people to wash their hands with only one gallon of water,

  2. Make effective, homemade hand sanitizer from readily available ingredients, 

  3. Build a rainwater harvesting system in an emergency to have more water available utilizing materials already found in the home, and 

  4. Maintain an existing rainwater harvesting system for those who already have them so they can be prepared to capture as much water as possible as the rainy season is upon us.  

Behind these workshops are additional materials, manuals, construction guides, and more that provide easy to understand information about the most important ways to take preventative actions and increase water access for those who have so little. 

We created an effective distribution network in record time using Facebook and Whatsapp Groups – distributing to grassroot organizations, religious groups, community coalitions, UNICEF outreach, national coalitions and foundations, schools, and other outlets. We made our materials easy to understand and easy to stream or download for those without internet access. 

Watch this video and learn about a Tippy-Tap

A Tippy-Tap is an incredibly inventive foot-operated, hand-wash station that can be made from materials found around the house – allowing for safe hand washing utilizing an amazingly little amount of water and without having to touch a common tap. Obviously, it’s all in Spanish for the use of our target audience, but we’re sure you’ll get the gist of it and appreciate viewing it as an important part of this campaign. 

See our other workshops and learn more about the work we’ve been doing regarding Water in the Time of Coronavirus here:

All of This is Because of You

“We’re Stronger Because of You” may be a clever tagline, but it is also true. We couldn’t do any of this without you! We’re glad you are part of our Caminos de Agua family, and if you have any questions about our work, we’re here to answer them. Just send me an email at 

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