Since 2012, we have continuously sampled and tested water quality from rural wells and urban taps throughout the watershed. We have tested more than 280 sites throughout the region, and we work closely with community groups like United Communities for Life and Water (CUVAPAS) and Pozo Ademado Community Services (SECOPA) to inform rural villages of their water quality issues. We collaborate closely with research institutions like Texas A&M University, the University of Guanajuato, Kansas State University, and Northern Illinois University to undertake and validate these studies.Recently, we’ve begun incorporating other indices into our monitoring program, including scarcity, historical water access, cost, and community water conflicts; developing a more complete understanding of regional water issues. We believe in "open-data." The water quality data we collect is shared openly with those affected and the greater general public. We also share our data with the National Water Quality Inventory (INCA in Spanish), and we post water quality test results on our interactive map (below). We provide public datasets and all of our records are available for public inspection upon request.On this page we invite you to explore our water quality map, which we regularly update with new sites as well as new parameters. Here you can also find information on our private testing services, if you wish to test your own water.

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